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Playing Catch Up: Fast Track to Diversity, Inclusion and Economic Advancement!

In order to achieve economic growth and promote job creation, deep rooted racism and policy has to be viewed as elements within a highly functioning economic system, rather than viewed or perceived as separate and/or unrelated.

When developing ideologies that are targeted to economic reform and those that produce visible results in the short and long term, we must concentrate on these core areas in order to effectively eradicate persistent racial and economic disparities that erect barriers for Black and POC people and to introduce new systems:

Policy & Education Systems/Curriculums

Policies and educational syllabuses have lacked pluralism over the last 60 years. Many accredited institutions have provided curriculums and educational materials to students that have not evolved hypothetically since 1960. Most Black professionals and leadership have been deceptively taught fundamental sets of beliefs and skills like perceptivity & ration uncritically and have adopted concepts insubstantial to our cultural identities, societies and cognitive science.

When attempting to develop workable solutions to injustices, internalization and projection of oppression and prejudice thinking formation are frequently triggered. This idea or phenomena refers to when an oppressed group turns its oppressors' tactics against itself. It happens when one group believes that another group is more valuable than it is. However, the idea of value inequality is frequently incorporated into economic and trade models and socially reinforced in our culture through the social construct of classism, leading to the creation of a hidden system that supports racism through economic inequality.

Social Totality

To create viable and sustainable solutions, social relationships must be evaluated and taken into consideration scientifically. How they coexist, their historic undertones and how they interconnect into each other using social science is important to ending this systemic cycle. Furthermore, including the influences of the economy and how it overall affects people's behaviors and decision making and your decision making is important to understand when developing workable plans and policies.

"However, the notion of inequality of value is repeatedly used when building financial and trade models and reinforced socially within our society through the social construct of classism."

Exploring the theory of cultural value

Black culture has an unquestionable impact on the world and is likely the most important point of leverage when working with well-known businesses/platforms, powerful political movements, and its continued role in the stimulation of the economy at both the local and macro levels.

Wealth Creation

Creating wealth solutions, scalable programs and developing plans and pathways from non bias and forward models that incorporate constant variables of social structure, language, law, politics, religion and geographic locations.

Now that we fully understand the complexities of how the current economy influences the role of government, relationships among the public and the impact of policies influenced by businesses and government at a local, state, national and global level; we can create systems that work for us.

Through building hypotheses that aren't framed around facets of imperialism; it becomes easier to trace, dissect and connect the active role of Black culture & leadership and their exploitative relationship to capitalism and globalization.

From this perspective, we are able to analyze the relationship and contradictions among democracy, labor efficiency, funding, D&I empowerment rituals and ineffective social justice programming initiatives at institutions for Black Diaspora individuals.

We must comprehend the underlying problems of surplus and classism both domestically and internationally and how it affects our global marketplace if we are to ensure the success of Black enterprises, entrepreneurship, and general well-being.

Who has access to what and who doesn't-- Using historic and current data to figure out the “Why”.

Learn to identify, develop, and put into action ideas and tactics that will promote true economic diversity using the HB platform. The development of effective leadership and training programs, marketing and operational plans, and the design of initiatives that support long-term funding opportunities for Black and POC companies can all be aided by the application of such information.



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